View Project Components 

SrNo Main Component Sub Component
1 Livelihood Interventions Goat rearing model 1 ( 4 malabari goats as one unit)
2 Goat rearing model 2 ( fo having more than 50 cents beneficairies 2 malabari goats as one unit)
3 Bee keeping (7 boxes considering as one unit)
4 Duck farming (20 birds as one unit )
5 Rabbit Farming
6 Livelihood Medicinal Plants & Other Agri Activities Medicinal plants - 10 cent as one unit (amalpuri, adapathiyan kizhangu etc. )
7 Intercrops -10 cent as unit (elephant foot yam, colocasia, chilli, Kasturi -turmeric , turmeric, ginger etc. )
8 Passion fruit group farming
9 Fruit garden (demo unit) 10 cent as one unit (dragon fruit )
10 Salak Plantation for Bio fencing and a cash crop
11 Nutrition & Kitchen Garden Vegetable cultivation
12 Kitchen garden - ( 10 cent to below 40 cent )
13 Garcinia (Kudampuli)
14 Pepper- Karimunda
15 Fruit plant -( guva, sappota , custard apple etc.)
16 Supply of organic manure for plantation crops ( kudampuli) (0.5 kg /plant for 4 years= 2 kg manure for 1 plant for 4 years ) & annual maintanance
17 Supply of manure support for pepper for 2 years
18 Micro enterprises Grass cutting group
19 Aluminium fabrication team -10 members
20 Bamboo craft making unit
21 Distribution of equipment kit for beekeeping & forest produce collection families
22 Tailoring unit
23 Sustainable Agriculture Agriculture nursery
24 Fish farming (pond ) demo (2 groups )
25 Automatic Weather station
26 Community Developmment Tribal tourism - sales outlet and tribal food restaurant
27 Support for Community Resource centre (Accessories and management cost )
28 Cultural fest and exhibition of tribal communities
29 Revolving fund for processing and marketing
30 Women Development & Community Health Biogas 1m3
31 Manure production unit ( one group ) (demo unit)
32 Sinkarimelam
33 Beauty Parlour
34 Mental & Sexual health education training for adoloscent girls
35 Preparing and strengthening equalency examination for tribal women and career guidance for girls
36 Awareness camps on deaddiction
37 Processing and Marketing Branding , marketing , E- commerce centre, service centre as a Akshaya centre
38 Outlets
39 Containers in Community collection centres of Forest Products - storage facility for forest medicines and products
40 Capacity Building Digitalisation of all data and documents (stock register, measurement book)
41 Capacity Building , accounting , book keeping and Leadership training programme to the JLG leaders and VPC members
42 VPC Formation and Strengthening training program
43 Training program of tribal tourism for youth - tour guide
44 Zero school Drop out colonies- campaign
45 Exposure visits for JLG members, VPC members, tribal community leaders , farmers etc.
46 Formation of society and project management training
47 Training for project staffs and enumerators
48 Training of Ecommerce and marketing
49 Training for medicinal plants maintanence, collection & processing
50 Medicinal plants Nursery management training & grafting , budding training
51 Training programmes based on livelihood activities (goat rearing , poultry farming , Sinkarimelam, duck farming, Beauty parlour,fish farming livelihood and livestock
52 Project Management Cost Programme Co-ordinator
53 Veterinary Expert
54 Field Co-ordinator
55 Accountant cum MIS
56 Animators (3 Nos)
57 Travelling & incidental expenses (Rs.7500/visit )
58 Overhead expenses (Stationery , telephone, postage etc.)
59 IEC and Video Documentation
60 Computer, Printer, Furniture etc.